Wednesday, January 26, 2011



1.difficult to control or handle; wildly boisterous: a rambunctious child.
2.turbulently active and noisy: a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand.
Yes, I am becoming a rambunctious little boy, and no longer a quite sleeping infant. When did this happen, I'm not so sure. But Mommy is surprised at how much I change on a day to day basis. I have a voice and I like to be heard. Yesterday while Mommy was on the computer, I shrieked as loud as I could until she turned around. Then I stopped and smiled sweetly.
I like to be active.
Laying on a blanket on my back, chewing on toys, is no longer my style. I like to be UP and mobile. My only means of travel right now is rolling, but I give 110% trying to crawl.  I can get up on my hands and knees, rock back and forth a whole bunch, lunge forward, and then it's over. Until I get back up and do it again. 
Oh, and my jeep. I. Love. My. Jeep. Period. Anytime, anywhere. It is especially useful for pooping. My jeep always seems to get things moving for me. Too much information? I'm sorry. 
I also love my kitties. A lot. 
I pretty much eat everything now. All veggies, including peas. (although green beans are a big thumbs down). All fruits, and even some meats. I am good at my sippy cup, although I don't like to hold it myself. I still chug the formula and would never turn it down. Ever. I like puffs and yogurt melts, but I have scared Mommy and Daddy a few times when I gagged on them. . . so maybe I'm not quite ready for big boy food just yet. I really like to watch Mommy and Daddy eat, and sometimes I open my mouth when they are eating, just to see if they will give me any. Mommy fed me some of her waffle the other day. Yum!  
I like reading books too.
I have 2 teeth and I'm working on more. (hence the drool seen above). 
My babysitter comes to ME (you believe it?) so I am healthy as a horse! (no daycare germs!)
Time for bed! (And yes, I am still a great little sleeper). Mommy and Daddy are so grateful I'm such a good boy!

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