Sunday, October 14, 2012

peter peter pumpkin eater

What did I used to do on my days off when I didn't have these two to torture and take pictures of?
Sam was a big baby and was all dramatic about not liking the pumpkin pose.
eli tried to help out by bringing sam a bottle AND a pacifier.
Eli got a huge kick out of putting Sammy in a pumpkin though.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
We had a great day today, just the 3 of us.
Eli and Sam actually took a bath together and Eli had a blast!
The neighbors let Eli play on their bulldozer (or buldoder) this afternoon and he talked about it all day long.

Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Sam had a lot to say today also...
a much smaller voice but also an equal right to be heard.

if you can hear past the wind blowing...
listen to eli trying to read the letters on our morning jog.


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