Tuesday, November 13, 2012

happy thoughts

Think happy thoughts happy thoughts ...
We are watching the same episode of Gabba for the 8 or 9th night in a row.
When I am here all day and mike is at work for 24 hours, I feel like I have lost touch with reality by 9pm. I love these boys with all my heart, but I prefer days when daddy is home too.

I can't decide what is up with Sam but something is UP. He hasn't been sleeping good since the time change, first waking up at 4,5 am for a pacifier or two (sometimes 3,4,5+ times). Now we are waking up at 1, 130, 3 etc -- but the pacifier puts him back to sleep. Today he cried from 3-630 (pm) straight, minus a bottle (that he still complained during) and a 1/2 hour nap. All signs point to teething (drooling, chewing on fingers) but its awfully early. If we have to do this for a few months - I'm moving out.
I'm beginning to appreciate even more now what an easy easy baby Eli was. 
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I mean, he's still cute and all...
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but he's being a royal pain in the ass. 

SO ... Tylenol and orajel it is for awhile. I hope to see a little white tooth in the morning to make today's madness worthwhile. 
I wonder what Eli thinks all day after listening to the screaming?
One time today he shouted
(but that's my version of swearing in front of the kids.)
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During one of our cry it out attempts...
Eli and I snuck in some finger painting. 
We made this...
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Finger painting is a definite repeat activity for us. 
A mess, but worth it. 
kind of like Sam's attempt at solids.
a mess, but maybe not worth it?

Eli had a friend over this morning
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Aiden, who shares his enthusiasm for john deere.
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They are just a few months apart and had fun playing together today.

So here's hoping we all sleep like this tonight...
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Because I am starting to feel like the walking dead.
Think happy thoughts....

happy thoughts.


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