Sunday, November 18, 2012

naked arts and crafts

I love to watch Sam watch Eli, but I love to watch Eli watch Sam even more.
In his own due time, Eli likes Sam. 
He told me today "Sam loves Eli."
You could interpret this to mean that maybe he loves Sam too?
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Sam is becoming someone to play with, if anything.
And I definitely no longer think Eli is trying to "get rid" of Sam. 

We mostly played side by side today.
Children AND adults.
Eli played with his trucks, Sam played in his jumparoo, I caught up on my shows on my DVR (Breaking Amish!) , Mike watched football.
Everyone at home all at the same time is nice. 
We can just kinda hang out, and the responsibility seems lots less.
It's almost easy.
We hung some exterior lights today (the snowflake kind!). This is our first year for that, so we just bought a few and are easing into it. 
No Griswold Family Christmas just yet.
The warm sunshine was a nice surprise today.
Eli played cars outside on the porch
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in his newark catholic (or mogadore?) football colors.
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We fed Sam a few bottles outside today too.
I'm ready for Christmas and Christmas needs snow... but I'll take this sunshine a little while longer.

We did some more (naked) arts and crafts tonight.
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(well not Sam, but Sam's always naked. chubby and naked.)
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We made puffy snowmen out of shaving cream and elmers glue, AND we watched Frosty the Snowman. I sang the Frosty song for Eli (crazy how the words just all came back to me instantly!) --- but in the end he still wanted to watch Dora instead of Frosty.
He's a habit kinda kid, what can I say.
Dora it is.
Dora, juice and milk, (graham) crackers, and 3 nana's on the couch EVERY night.
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This one likes routine too... but he's less dependable when it comes to FOLLOWING the routine.
He breaks the rules as HE sees fit.

Back to work tomorrow -- and wau wau has to worry about the routine!

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