Thursday, December 6, 2012

smokey smokey smokey

when i tell eli... okey dokey smokey...
he says smokey smokey smokey!

Is this week OVER yet?
I have a 4 day weekend coming up but it feels like it's never going to get here. 
4 10 hour days (that have turned into 11-12 hour days) in a row means I have barely seen my boys. (It also means I can't WAIT until cold/flu season is over!!)

I'm pretty sure Mike is ready for me to have a few days off too...
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daddy daycare is in full effect this week. 
well, actually it's in full effect most weeks, which i hate.
i mean, i love that mike is able to be here with them, and we don't have to use daycare... i just hate the part about how I'm the one at work all. the. time. and I'm missing their little lives.
I tried to revisit part-time job opportunities with my coordinator again (i.e. beg to work part-time) -- but unfortunately, Kroger is not offering part-time positions right now (still!) boooo! 
So we just have to keep on keeping on...and I hope the boys won't look back and remember mommy as the one that popped her head in for bath time and bedtime or sometimes breakfast before work.
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Plus, I would love to be home more to play with this... 
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when Eli's not hogging it of course.
He tells me mommy's all done using it. 
we are all loving our new ipad. 

except sam, who still prefers the old school patty cake.
oh and in case you wondered if sam is safe around eli yet...
here is your answer.
i can't wait til sam can pay eli back for the past few months...
here are some cute pics of the kiddos from last weekend.
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Sam -- pulling Anna's hair, just like Eli used to pull Gracie's.
If those Shull girls would just be bald like their boy cousins, they wouldn't HAVE this problem.

there are a LOT of similarities coming out in Sam and Eli.
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Mostly looks, but personality too.

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