Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30

I have always loved to color, even as a teenager and still as an adult. So when, I ask, will Eli learn to color in the lines?! Clearly he did not get his momma's coloring abilities. 
He's getting better. See the tree trunk? He made it brown so that's a start. :)
Sammy Sam loves crayons and markers, but mostly for just carrying them around while he watches Eli color. Today for the first time Eli showed an interest in learning how to write his name. If he can write his name before he pees in the potty - we got problems.

New randomness about the boys:
Eli likes showers now. 
Eli is eating by himself for every meal now. No more " I want YOU to feed me mommy!" 
Sammy meows all the time. He also says "da" for thank you every time you give him something. 
Eli calls Mimi "meems."
Eli likes to say the meanest grossest thing he can think of and laugh. 
Examples - 
" I want to smash your hair. Hahaha!"
"Daddy I'm gonna smash you."
"Come here aunt Lindi. I want to poke your eye. " 
But the most random and perhaps weirdest comment -- "I want to cut Sammy and see his insides. "
Child psychologist? 
We are dora obsessed over here. Eli knows some colors in Spanish and even papa sat down to tune in. 

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