Saturday, February 8, 2014

February 8

The potty training diaries. 
Oh where to begin? Eli is doing so good with peeing on the potty and telling us when he has to go. It's been almost 2 weeks and he has had minimal accidents. But ... Oh but the pooping. Sigh. 
He HAS pooped in the potty. He CAN poop in the potty. He will NOT poop in the potty. He poops in his pants. Or on the floor. 
Yesterday was not our best day. We had quite a few accidents.
I found a random turd on the floor. He peed on his tractor and chuck the truck. 
It's hard to keep track of him when he pees and then runs away from you naked. 
So if you are coming over to visit any time soon -- wear your shoes in our house.
(He is so darn cute in a pair of boxer briefs. It's hard not to pinch his little butt all day.)
We have been inside a lot the past two weeks. Eli hasn't left much because you never know about him and a public restroom. He was scared to death of the hand dryers once and even more scared at cosi of the automatic sinks that turn in with no handle. Weird kid.
So we are going a little stir crazy. Maybe wau-wau and papa too?!

This is turning out to be the longest. winter. ever.

 Dreaming of spring over here.

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