Saturday, December 18, 2010

Santa Claus is comin' to town. . .

but Santa isn't bringing me anything because I don't understand what that means.

I love playing with bows, so I will still have a blast Christmas morning while mommy and daddy open my presents from my grannies and grandpas.

Mommy worked a lot this week and daddy watched me. Daddy is FUN! Especially Wednesday night when he fed me vanilla custard for dinner. I think mommy's veins were going to pop out of her face when she found out. We have to teach daddy how to read. I think he knows how but he forgets to do it sometimes. He says he thought he was feeding me sweet potatoes. But even I know, sweet potatoes are ORANGE and yummy custard is WHITE. I LOVE custard. You see, my cousin Gracie gave me her old stash of food (she has teeth. lots of them...lucky!) But some of it I can't have yet. . . like meat and corn and CUSTARD! So we hid some stuff from daddy for awhile so he won't feed me the wrong food anymore. But did I mention, I LOVE custard.  I think I need to pull that yummy stuff out of hiding. Oh daddy. We do love him. He tries hard and loves me so much!

Grandma Barb is here now, and Grandma Candi is coming tomorrow! I am so lucky to get to play with them both for a few days! Mommy is excited too. This morning she got to sleep in until I was ready to eat LUNCH! (who sleeps that late, really!? I'm a morning person myself!)
Not much else new to report. I love pooping in my jeep, it's my new favorite spot. Aunt Jacki said I need how to learn to take a pit stop and pull over at a rest area first. She is funny! :) I helped mommy put up the christmas lights on the railing, again. We had half a strand burn out, so now we have what mommy calls ghetto-fabulous lights. Hopefully no one will notice.
Off to play with my grannie!

**daddy would like me to add . . . in his defense . . . mommy put the "do not eat" food in the SAME cupboard with the "can eat" food. So it was her fault too. 

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