Wednesday, April 6, 2011

back in action

I am back to my old self again. 
Feeling crazy and full of energy!
I'm becoming quite the rambunctious little boy. 
I've always liked being in on the action, but now that I can PROVIDE the action, even better. 
Pull up on the couch, bite it.
Drop back down on the floor, crawl under the kitchen table. Pull up on the window. Chase a cat, blow some raspberries.
And the newest, clap my hands. 
Very useful for singing songs with Mommy.

Guess what people?
All the following pictures are brought to you from Daddy. 
That's what I said, Daddy. 
He says don't think that now he is a part of "Erin Windon Photography Inc. "
But still, he's catching on! :)
I had a few days with my Grandma Candi. She watched me while Mommy worked and Daddy worked and studied. 
(5 days til his interview!)
We had a fun time. 
We read books and watched the birds outside.
I saved all my best poops for Grandma. 
We even got to hide in the closet during a tornado. 
Grandpa Jeff came to see me too. 
He has this funny hair on his face!
Have you ever seen anything like it!?
Grandma has glasses, and those are fun to grab. But a mustache!?
Never have I noticed such a thing on anyone!! 
( I guess I just never paid attention in the past?)

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