Tuesday, August 2, 2011

baby ------> toddler

Life is fast and ever changing in our house. If you are gone for a day or so, you might miss the memo that Eli now tries to take his diaper off. Or that he gets up and runs from you as soon as you take him out of the tub - soaking wet and all. When he reaches and points at the doorway -- it's because he wants you to let him turn the light switch on and off. And on and off. 
His latest ... not smiling for pictures.
Maybe he is sad because his mommy works all the time. 
He has figured it out, you know... that I leave him. 
It makes leaving that much harder.  
He whines and cries and reaches. Before I go, he clings to me and won't let me put him down. 

Working full time looks great on paper. The money is good. The schedule all works out. Daddy this day this day this day, Mommy that day, Maureen fills in the blanks once or twice a week. Grandmas when needed. He is in good hands while i work.
Mike takes him fun places and keeps him fed/clothed/diapered/entertained/loved. Maureen too. He gets one-on-one attention all the time, never having to leave his own home. He even gets to sleep in every morning and wake up when HE wants to. We are lucky. But ... you knew there was gonna be a BUT...
but I wanna be home with him. 
Working 9-9 means I don't see my baby at all that day. And I hate it. This week (I am on day 6 of 13 in a row)... I am especially hating it. 
So this is what life as I working mom is?!

Such is life and I can't dwell on it. 

Yesterday, I got off early, and it was AUGUST 1st and holy cow summer is almost OVER folks... so we packed up and went to the pool as soon as Eli woke up from his nap. 
And it was hysterical! 
The Heath pool has a kiddie pool that goes from ankle deep to about 3 feet, with little fountains and slides and kidstuff. 
We were there for about 2 1/2 hours... and for 2 1/2 hours, this child insisted on WALKING, by himself, in the kiddie pool. 
About once every 30 seconds, he fell over, face first.  And every time, he got a face full of water. (especially in the deeper sections!) But he got himself back up (and then fell right back over), and never flinched when he had eyes full of chlorine. He would walk until it was up to his neck, and I'd have to drag him back to the start... and we'd do it over again. It was priceless. 

We have 2 new toys that are a hit...

the bubble blowing octopus...
(reserved for bathtime)

and "Violet" our leap frog friend.

What I SHOULD have done is save these birthday toys, and introduce a new one every month. We'd be set til next year!

We still have our old standby, #1 form of entertainment: 
Do you think he is the next Michael Phelps?

I'm really thinking he is going to be a fireman though. He walks through this house warning everyone that everything is hot. Candles (lit or not), stove, microwave, coffee. It is by far his clearest spoken word, and most often used. 

Goodnight for now from our un-smiley friend.

Don't look now but I think he's learned a new trick since I started typing this blog entry. See that little smirk? He's up to SOMEthing...
(maybe formulating a plan to keep mommy home!?)

1 comment:

  1. hang in there with the work stuff! it's got to ease up here sooner or later!! and OMG in the pool ... it's offical Eli, I'm calling you Nemo.
    love AJ


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