Sunday, December 29, 2013

December 29

Christmas is over. 

Presents are all unwrapped and some put away (some scattered all over my living room). Decorations are down. Eli keeps asking "why is christmas "OH-VER"? He thinks Santa should just keep bringing him more presents every night. 
Here are the boys on Christmas Eve, waiting for Santa with their milk and cookies.

The favorite presents ... 
The firehouse. Hands down Eli's fav. He puts the fireman in ther bunk beds at night and covers them with Kleenex. In the morning he puts them on the fire truck and puts their "blankets" in their lockers. 
[[waiting so patiently for daddy to open the lovely packaging that these toys come with ... You know the kind... Where you practically need a chain saw to get it open. ]]

Sam really isn't allowed to play with the firehouse unless Eli isn't looking or is asleep. So I would say Sammy's favorite is his picnic basket. 
Well he really isn't allowed to play with anything. Swiper swipes all his toys. But he tries. Sammy is so good natured ... Once he toy gets swiped he just moves on to find another.
He really got into opening gifts ... He had the "wowwwww"s and "ooooooh"s and "aaaaaaaah"s down. Sometimes he said it before the present was open ... Just at the pretty wrapping paper.
(He got the whole christmas over eating concept down pretty well too. )

I thought I didn't get the boys very much for christmas ... But now that it's all open and all over ... We have TOO MANY TOYS!!!!

 photo E32782D9-A6AF-4DB1-9CC0-16DEE7DD1E67_zps7i0bshta.jpg
Eli's other favorite toy is at wauwau and papas -- a bike or trike or some kind of crazy thng that he can ride at the speed of light. 

Then there's Sammy and his hook and ladder.  He can make it go pretty SLLLOOOOWWW. Eli and Sam are like the tortoise and the hare. 

The boys got new matching robes and slippers. 

We opened our gifts Christmas Eve morning, then spent the evening with wauwau and papa and Anna jack. 

Mike worked christmas. 😔 so the boys and I got up christmas morning and drove to mogadore. 
Christmas with cousins ... Ada shull, our newest addition, included also.

(Not happy to do group photos) 
By the end of the day, Eli was on holiday overload. No naps for days, cookies, dessert, playing with his big cousins who find it funny to get him all wild and rowdy and then go home. My only way to calm him down was this ...
Of course, he thought it was fun and so did everyone else. 
Christmas over. 
On to our next big thing.
Potty training. 
Dum dum dum. 

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