Monday, March 3, 2014

march 3

we have had a rough week...
Our version of rough isn't really THAT bad. It could be worse, much worse. No one has cancer or leprosy or (gasp!) the stomach flu. 
We just have a pretty mean cold virus that turned into croup for sammy and just won't go away. We had a few nights of Eli waking up coughing all night long and needing his nose wiped, blanket moved, etc, every hour.
Too many times of coughing so hard that both boys were throwing up. (gross.) Neither boy is eating too well. Today (and part of yesterday) sammy just cried and cried. He was inconsolable, even when being held. 

Back to the doctor we went, only to find out that Sammy had a little steroid side effects... major irritability and personality changes. My pharmacist brain knows that is a side effect of steroids, but my mommy brain forgot...and never put it together. Now that we are off the steroids, I hope sammy gets back to his old self SOON!
Eli seems to be feeling a little better, and has a lot of energy and no where to get rid of it. He is driving mike and i both crazy. So a week and a half of sickness plus march in ohio cabin fever... we need some 50 degree days to get these boys OUT OF THE house to blow off some energy. We need new things to play with, new people to play with. Something! 
Eli and Sammy will play pretty well together when I'm not around. When I'm around, eli is constantly trying to take toys from sam, or trying to make sure i don't hold sam too long. I really can't believe Sam still likes Eli, as much as he is mean to him. I can't wait til sammy gets big enough to fight back.

highlights of this past week...
after getting put in the corner --eli throws his hands up and says "story of my life!"
sammy says "love you" and "night night". 
both boys now want to sit on my lap at night and rock, singing lullabies in the dark. 
when eli pooped his pants (again!) we asked him why... and he said "i've just about had enough of all this."
sammy answers "yeah" or "no" to any question you ask him. Very helpful in figuring out what he wants. 
eli pretends to be a UPS driver bringing me random packages. Love him!! 

so here's hoping our rough streak of days is almost over. i would like to sleep through the night and stop chasing boys to wipe snotty red sore noses. I hope sammy's "roid" rage is almost over. Poor little guy. 
I don't like to be sick, but I'd rather be sick myself than have these 2 sick! 

Next year Eli will be in preschool and he will be bringing us these fun illnesses every other week. 
Am I ready for that?
Maybe I can keep them in a bubble for another year? 
You know they caught this virus at Kalahari. 
We are much better off to just never go anywhere. 
Kidding. (sorta!)

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