Sunday, January 30, 2011

Parents just don't understand

So, I am beginning to realize that my mom is going to be one of THOSE moms. 
You know, the kind that follows her kid around with a camera all day. 
And the kind that thinks EVERYone cares that her kid learned how to drink from a straw like a big boy today.
(I can by the way!)
But you already know this since you are reading a BLOG all about ME!
I can see how this could get annoying. 
But I got her age working for me. You see, she's already old. 
Like 30. 
So by the time I am a teenager and wish she would just.go.a.way.... she's be in a wheel chair or a nursing home or something for sure by then. 
My Daddy is pretty chill. He doesn't take pictures or sing songs really loud or dance like Mommy. (I think you have heard her singing. It's not too good.)
Its a good balance really, between Mommy and Daddy.
Me and Daddy play hard.

And we like taking naps together.
 Here's me with Daddy's Indians hat on.

Besides my straw sippin, here is my newest trick...
I have almost mastered squeezing out of my bumbo seat. Which is interesting, because Mommy and Daddy can't even get me out of there. My thighs always get stuck!

This is my newest LOOK. I use it when Mommy or Daddy are eating or drinking something I wish I could have. It's my intense stare.
I guess that is considered rude in some cultures. A little like a begging dog. 

I GOT NEW JEANS at Gap today!


Told you I L-O-V-E shopping!
We had to find some with an adjustable waist. Cuz they don't make husky in my size yet. 
I'm still working on the crawling. This is the longest project I've worked on yet!

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