Saturday, January 1, 2011

what a difference a year makes

What a year 2010 has been for me!
At the beginning of 2010, I was still in my momma's belly.
I was 11 weeks old, and just over 1 1/2 inches long -- the size of  fig.

I had just learned how to hiccup, open my fists, and kick. My bones were just beginning to harden.
Mommy was still nauseous, and had a bit of a gut.
She was already wearing maternity pants and had gained 7 pounds.
(at that time she thought THAT was a lot, little did she know what was coming!!)
Last year Mommy and Daddy had high hopes that 2010 would be a great year!

They didn't know the kind of obstacles that were ahead, but after a long fertility battle in 2008 and 2009, they were ready for ME, no matter what.

Mommy shared with me her favorite days of 2010, and now I am going to share them with you!

February 2010
On February 9th, Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Candi, Grandma Barb, and anna Sarah (and me!!!) braved a level 2 snow emergency to drive to First Expressions. There they watched in 3D as a 16 week old me spread my legs and let the world know that I had the parts to make a BOY!
Daddy was so thrilled! Mommy tried really hard to be disappointed, because she had always dreamed of a little girl. But once she saw my healthy heart beating way, she already loved me,
no matter what boy (or girl) parts I had.
Then we went shopping. A lot.

March 2010
My room was ready with 4 months to spare! Was Mommy excited, or WHAT?!
Daddy put together all my furniture cuz Mommy wanted him to. Even though he was recovering from the stomach flu.

May 2010
Mommy had her first baby shower at Cristen's house on May 2nd.Then we had
 a second baby shower on May 31st with our family and friends in Mogadore.
I got tons of good loot,
including a toy box hand-made by my anna Jacki.

Everyone liked touching
Mommy's belly. Everyone was excited for me to come into the family.

It was 2 days totally dedicated to celebrating little ol' ME.

June 2010
I went along with Mommy and Daddy and our families to Outer Banks,
even though I could only enjoy the beach from inside mommy's belly.

It was hot and Mommy had to drink LOTS of water to keep me healthy and happy.
She watched everyone else drink beer and wine and captain morgan (her fav!)  ---
and she just kept drinking her virgin Pina Coladas
(still good, but not the same).
She says next year she will make up for it!
We had lots of good food and I spent
many hours in the pool.

Mommy's feet were very swollen.

My cousins Gracie and Sophie were very interested in Mommy's belly.
It was a fun fun week!

July 2010
July 14th at 2:37 p.m. -- after 38 weeks and 3 days of pregnancy, 55 pounds, 
and 28 hours of labor -- Dr Murnane finally pulled my tiny body out of Mommy's belly.
It wasn't the way Mommy had always invisioned - childbirth seems much easier on TV. There was no relaxation CD. There was no Daddy massaging Mommy's back. There was no walking the hallways or laboring in the tub. Nobody told us you can't leave the bed when you get induced.
Everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong.
Mommy's IV leaked into her arm, and she started to get an infection.
The nurses put 5 bags of fluid into Mommy, and none of it was coming out.
She swelled even more. Her face and legs and arms blew up like a balloon.
Her epidural wore off 3 times, her blood pressure and heart rate were spiking, and my heart rate kept dipping down (I had ENOUGH of being in there with those contractions going on!)
My "exit" never widened past 8 centimeters, even after lots and lots of drugs to help speed things up.
Dr. Murnane decided to create another exit for me.
By that time, I had decided I liked it better inside, and I turned my head cock-eyed so that they couldn't get me out, even with a vacuum.
The surgery that was meant to take no longer than 7 minutes took 15. Mommy was scared, but out I came after lots of tugging and pulling on Mommy's internal organs. I didn't cry right away after my long 2 day journey down the birth canal and then back up it again.
But Daddy stood proud and declared that I had 5 fingers and 5 toes! Mommy was a bit confused, because I was supposed to have 10 of each. She thought maybe the doctors slipped Daddy some drugs too, but he was as tired as Mommy. Mommy didn't cry because she couldn't keep her eyes open, but Daddy did. The moment that I finally cried was the best moment of both Mommy and Daddy's lives.

Mommy said I shouldn't tell the rest of the story because it will sound like she is complaining.
But it's so much fun to tell this story!
The next day was Mommy's birthday! Her 30th birthday! The doctors gave her this really great drug that kept the pain away for 36 hours. But this really great drug also caused 36 hours worth of some really not so great side effects. She itched and itched, so much so that Daddy had to scratch her face for her with a wash cloth while she nursed me. She was drowsy for 36 hours, and saw 4 of me everytime she fed me. The really great drug also made Mommy numb, EVERYwhere.
So numb that she couldn't make her body go pee.
For days.
Even with running water.
Even with hot tea on the toilet.
Even with special pee dances from the nursing staff.
It was fun.
For her 30th birthday she got a catheter.
(well, and ME!)
But I didn't know any of this was going on. I just ate and slept and cried.
And turned yellow.
Really YELLOW.
So yellow they made me stay in the hospital 5 days.
Even then I had to go home with a special blanket that made me glow like a glow worm. It was supposed to help my jaundice get better, but that meant I always had to stay "plugged" into an outlet.
 That was not convenient.
But I slowly got better, and Mommy healed from her surgery.
And then we lived happily ever after.
Until mid-August.

And then down came the rain.
 (ok, so we stole that line from Brooke Shields).
But I tell ya, when it rains it pours.
Post-partum depression is not fun.

But looking back, Mommy and Daddy would still do it all over again.
And after it all, Mommy and Daddy know that they can get through anything together.

September 2010
Don't get me wrong, there were some happy days during that time. Like when I smiled for the first time. Well, and then I just smiled all the time. I like smiling. Smiling's my favorite. And that made Mommy happy.

Grandma Barb came to stay with us for awhile.
Mommy will always be grateful for what she did.

She is grateful for Daddy too.
Daddy did all the night time feedings so Mommy could try to sleep. He took me upstairs to my own room, and he slept next door so he would hear me if I cried.

Daddy stayed home from work for a lot of days. Mommy needed him. He never left her alone if she was afraid.
Daddy is my buddy!
Mommy and Daddy and Grandma got me on a great schedule. Our bedtime routine is so much fun! Mostly because I just love bathtime!

And if you promise not to call children's services, I'll tell you --- they finally put me to sleep on my belly. I love belly sleeping!

I started to sleep all night long (12 hours!!) when I was 8 weeks old. Eventually, Daddy could go back to his own room with Mommy. I stayed upstairs in my own bed and kept sleeping all night.

October 2010
About mid-month, Mommy went to see a doctor for crazy people.
This doctor gave her the right medicine and made her better. Almost instantly.
And she gave her medicine that made her sleep. Finally.
And then we really did live happily ever after.
Mommy finally looked at me the way Daddy did.
She talked to me and smiled at me instead of being scared to death of me.
She could hold me when I cried.
She even started singing to me.
And I LOVED it.
(and she hasn't stopped since!)

October 2010
Halloween. I was a monkey. And not to be vain, but I was a mighty cute monkey.

November 2010
Mommy and Daddy started feeding me real food. Well sorta. Baby food.
I liked it!

I started to learn that the high chair was for eating!

I started opening my mouth like a little bird!

I started to get, well, fat.
or big boned.

December 2010

Christmas. With a baby. A real live one. ME!

2 years ago on Christmas, Grandma Barb asked Mommy what she wanted for Christmas. Mommy told her nothing, unless she could find a way to get her a baby in a box. That made Grandma really sad for Mommy. This Christmas, with me finally here, it was very special.

Life is good.

Happy New Year everyone!
2011, Bring it ON! :)
I hope 2011 brings you health and happiness.
We can't wait to see what happens next.

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