Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bumpin up and down in my little red wagon

Now that I have 6 teeth, Mommy decided it was time to brush them beavers.
Alls I can really say is that the toothpaste tastes good.

Mommy and I spent the weekend together. And guess where we went. . . 


our favorite . . . 


you know . . . 

of course! 

I rode in the cart like a big boy.


Here I am gawking at some fellow shoppers. 

Mommy says it's rude to stare with your mouth open.  

I got some cool stuff. 
I can chew on these things and eat REAL bananas!


We also got a toy so I can learn to walk behind it! 

can you TELL how excited I am about this! ?
I didn't get to practice too much tonight. 
I decided after dinner that all I wanted was to be held.
ANOTHER tooth?? 
Couldn't be. 
6 is enough! Enough I tell you!
But I kept my mind occupied.
We went outside and played bubbles some more.
We also rode around in my red wagon, which I LOVE!

60 degrees in Columbus today! That's right, 60! 
We also got to go to the pet store. 
My favorite "pet"was the birds! 
I looked at fish, and dogs, and gerbils, hampsters.
But the birds won out. I talked to them, so loud that 
the other people in the pet store were watchin'!

Now Mommy and I are watching the academy awards.


It's pretty boring, so I chewed on the remote instead.

Remotes, chip clips, paper towels, wipes. 


If you use it around the house, it is far better than any toy I own. 

And at my mere 7.5 months, I have figured out that I do NOT like it 
when someone takes my toy (or household item) away. 
At all. 
I hold my breath til my face gets red, then I scream and scream.
It's pleasant. 
Let's hope I forget how to do this by, say, tomorrow? 
I have a pretty good memory though.

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