Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I just called, to say, I LOVE YOU

So let me get this straight,
THIS GIRL was on access hollywood, inside edition, you name it??
I got a laugh better than hers!!
Wanna hear??
We got out my piano today! I loved banging on those keys!

A few times I got the head shake going (picture shaking like "no-no-no")
while I was banging on the keys.
And I looked JUST LIKE Stevie Wonder.
Well, except white.
And a baby.
And not blind.
But JUST like Stevie Wonder style.

I also like to stand while I bang on the keys.



(why is it I never seem to have pants on in this blog? hmmm)

We started brushing my teeth as part of bathtime.
I'm learning early to multi-task.



The crawling thing is just not for me.
I think I will just do "the worm" until I can walk.
I spend a LOT of time in the crawling position, just rocking back and forth,


back and forth.


Then I just drop and do "the worm".

Who cares, right?


I get where I need to get.
If not, I just whine and someone picks me up.

Mommy got me some cool shoes/socks to help me get some traction.
I'm not sure how I feel about these.


I mean, they look good, but they are weird.


And so far they are NOT helping me crawl.

I have been asleep since 7:45. Early early bedtime for me.
Bedtime keeps getting earlier and earlier, since I am not a fan of "the nap."

Which is fine, because then Mommy can do things, like blog. :)

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