Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fo Shizzle My Nizzles

1. A polite and well meaning colloquialism used to express agreement with a cohort. (This phrase entered American vernacular when famed celebrity/artist/rapper/movie star Snoop Dogg started using it and other words containing the suffix "izzle" or "izzy."
2. To aquiesce to or agree with a proposition or idea offered by an affable peer.
"I concur whole-heartedly, my African-American brother"

One day I will grow up and get Mommy back for some of these things she dresses me in. 
(On a similar note, we just ordered a pink golf shirt with matching 
pink/blue plaid shorts for spring!!) 

Have I told you how much I dig watching my Sunday Bible Tunes video?


Hope you don't need me because I can't. take. my. eyes. OFF. the. TV. 
Mommy and Daddy are worried I am gonna grow up singing bible verses.
(not that there is anything wrong with that.)
But, we are looking into getting some new videos. 
Until then . . .
           (to the tune of 10 little indians)     
"Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, 
Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges,
Ruth, First and Second Samuel, First and Second Kings, First and Second Chronicles"
Anna Jack always looks forward to Sundays so she can sing with me.
How cute am I ?
In Mommy's favorite outfit EVER
I'm a little Grover. 
Get a good look because it's the last time you will see it. 
It's too small. :(
Grandma, you should've bought multiple sizes. 
I think someone shrunk it in the dryer. 

My Grandma Candi watched me some this week. 
We had a fun time inside while Mommy & Daddy were out in the bad weather! :(
I can't wait for this SPRING thing they keep telling me about. 

Mommy can't wait til the weather is warm and I can wear LESS layers. 
You see, I do NOT hold still AT ALL when I am being changed. 
Poop or pee, I am rolling whether you like it or not. Poop on my legs? So what, gotta squirm. 
It makes diaper changes interesting for all involved.

This has been another week of teething. 
I'm still sleeping like a champ, but I can't help but fuss a little 
during the day. 
These suckers HURT. They're the front ones. 
And they are big. 


Here I am practicing standing by myself. 
Once I perfect my crawling, this is next!
Well, and saying ma-ma.

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