Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Babies Don't Keep

My Mommy will tell you, being a mom and working full-time is hard. 
Very hard. She misses me lots, misses the funny little quirky parts of my personality that come out every day. 
Like how I think it's funny now to breath really hard and fast in and out with my nose. And then belly laugh about it.
Or how when she left for work Sunday, I was only pulling up and standing. 
Sunday afternoon, I am cruising across the furniture.
How long was she gone?? Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.
Not for me folks! I have my eye on the prize, and that's walking.
Sometimes Daddy has to tell Mommy, no Eli likes THIS blanket better now.
I know how much my Mommy loves me, but gosh, when she comes home she kisses me and tells me she loves me a hundred times over. 
That's ok with me though, I like kisses. 
And guess what? I have the best of both worlds.
Time with Mommy and alone time with my Daddy. Nothing like it.

Tonight when Mommy fed me my bedtime bottle, I could tell she had been missing me. 
So to make her feel extra loved, I played with her hair and stared right up in her eyes the whole bottle. 
Almost made Mommy cry. 
I'm pretty intuitive.
I know when my Mommy needs me.

Tomorrow we have the whole day together. Daddy has to work and put out some fires tomorrow. 
Daddy stayed up all night Saturday night saving lives. 
Here is what he looked like Sunday evening.
Sometimes his job is just tough like that. Wipes ya out like too many hours spent in the jumparoo.  

No, I don't play on the stairs, but Mommy let me sit long enough to snap a few pictures. 

I'm getting so tall!


Now that the weather is getting warmer, it's so fun to look out into my backyard.
There are birds, and deer, and squirrels, geese. Mostly I just like to stare up at the trees when the wind blows. 
Bonz gets me. 
We like similar things.
Looking outside, following that little red lazer light on the floor, stuff like that. We do a lot together.
We got a swing for outside for me. Mommy is so excited. I think, really, more excited than me. She gets excited about stuff like that.
Fun day today, spent with a combination of Mommy, Daddy, and Grandma Candi.

I was wiped out. I passed out on Mr. Puppy Pupperton, face down!
Mommy will also tell you, this is going by MUCH too fast. Almost 9 months? 
I'm a lot less like a baby and more like a boy.
Oh, did I tell you I have developed social anxiety disorder? Or stranger anxiety, seperation anxiety, whatever they call it.
Yep. Leave me alone in a room long enough that I realize I'm alone...full blown meltdown. 
Real tears, not fake sobs.
So needless to say, not much housework getting done around here.
But that's ok.

The cleaning and scrubbing will wait till tomorrow,
For children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down, cobwebs. Dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

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