Wednesday, March 30, 2011

the pink stuff.

Maybe I spoke too soon. 
We THOUGHT my cold was gone. 
Turns out, it just went to my ears.
My very first ear infection, my very first round of antibiotics!
filled by my favorite pharmacist, MOMMY!  
The pharmacist even GAVE me my first dose. 
How many people can say that?!
I liked the taste of it, imagine that. 

Baby Jack, if you're reading this --- 24.4 lbs. 
Holy cow, we are big boys. ;)

 To top it off, another tooth is on it's way in. 
But all things considered, I'm being a pretty good sport. 
I've been trying to tell them my ear hurt, 
but no one was listening! 
(Mommy is feeling super guilty about this at the moment)
Daddy finally said today, enough is enough with the whining. 
He took me to the doctor, and sure enough, ear infection.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Eli! I was 25 lbs, 4 oz last week. Maybe if we team up, we can outsmart my sister and get the cool toys. If nothing else, one of us can sit on her while the other one makes a dash for the good stuff! Hope we can play again soon! Love, Baby Jack


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