Wednesday, April 27, 2011

a whole bunch of randomness

I'm lucky I'm so cute. --- I've had a day of extra clingy-ness.
The kind where I don't want to be left alone, not even for a nano-second.
I am watching out of the corner of my eye at all moments. Don't even motion like you are going to leave the room.
If you DO leave me, I cry like I've been dropped on my head. 
If you come back, too late. I'm gonna cry like that until you pick me up.
If you don't, I'll follow you while I'm screaming.
Screaming and crawling -- picking up my arms like they each weigh 50 lbs. But still following you.
Laundry, vacuuming, cooking dinner? Forget about it.

Mommy was at work today. This is the report from Daddy.
So... we are on standby. Ear infection? Teeth? Just my age. 
Heck if I know. 

Did I mention how cute I am??


If you hang out and play with me, I'm am JUST fine.

I just like some company.

What else is new with me??
I say some words.
So far - for SURE - is ma-ma and da-da.
I point and say those ones. At the right people too now!!!
I said 'hi' to multiple people at Target on Monday.
When we went to Walmart, I yelled at our cashier until she acknowledged me. (It took awhile.)
Mommy said don't worry, the cashiers at Walmart are always rude.

I'm am a little obsessed with watching the trees outside.
Maybe because it's always so windy (and stormy and rainy!!)
So I am working awful hard on saying tree, only right now it just comes out "te". 
(and makes a funny noise since I have such a big gap between my front teeth!!)
But if you ask me where the tree is, I look right out the window.

My favorite these days is rough-housing on the couch.
I feel like I'm getting away with something by sitting up there where the "big people" sit.


I have a new funny face I make a LOT.
It goes like this...
and this...
I only do it when I get really excited. 
Sometimes the eyes close, but the hands always go up. 

 I am so much fun right now!

We had a firehouse field trip with Max & Jude on Monday.

Max had the time of his life. 
Daddy let him sit in the truck and even spray the hose!
I can't wait until I'm big like Max.
Allison got some great shots, so I'll post those once we get them.

Did you know this is National Infertility Awareness Week?
If you have ever wanted to be pregnant and weren't - 
you will laugh at this link for sure.
 Mommy still has my bill from Dr. Spirtos that is longer than she is tall.
She's saving it for me, she says, when I ask her to buy me a car.

Enough for tonight. 
This blog is all over the place and Mommy is tired.

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