Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Giving the finger and other fun things

all. day. long.
I like to point at everything I see. 

You know what else I like?

Just call me Nemo.
Vacation will be so much fun if I like the pool as much as I like the tub!
However, I do not like hats much. 
I'll keep a hat on for about 3 seconds. Unless, of course, you can distract me with some paper towels or other fascinating kitchen essential.
Tupperware lids are fun.
As you can see, I had some more bonding time with Miss Gracie this past weekend.
We played at the playground, went to see baby ducks (I loved their feet!),
and we had a sleep over with Grandma so our mommies could have some fun without us. (WITHOUT us, go figure!?)

In case you wondered, I DID end up having an ear infection last week.
Daddy called it. 
Mommy kept insisting I was fine, just having some seperation anxiety.
Maureen too, she thought I was fine.
But Daddy and me, we are like THIS, and he knew. He knew.
Left ear infection. 
Amoxicillin - round II.
I've been a good boy this week.
I take my medicine like a champ! I see that pink bottle and I open my mouth before Mommy's even ready!
And somehow, even though my ear hurts, I sleep all night. Even better when I am sick it seems like. How is this possible?? Mommy and Daddy know they are lucky. 

As promised, here are some pictures from the firehouse last week.
I am very proud of my firefighter Daddy.
Whether or not he makes lieutenant,  I don't mind. 
After all, I'm the boss of him either way! :)

I can't wait til I'm big like Max and I don't have to sit with Mommy on the sidelines while Max has all the fun!!

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