Sunday, May 8, 2011

were you good to YOUR mama today?

Today is a day where mommies everywhere celebrate.
They celebrate the lives of their children, the journies that brought them to where they are today.
They celebrate c-section scars and saggy boobs, sleepless nights, dirty, disgusting, poop-in-hair diaper changes,  even post-partum depression.
Because when it's all said and done, it's worth it all.
If you ask my Mommy, that's what she'll tell you. 
Life was good before me. 
Mommy and Daddy had a clean house, drank a lot of beer, watched a lot of Lifetime movies & read a lot of books.
Yes, life was good, but something ... some big something, was missing.
Just 2 years ago on Mother's Day, I was just a glimmer of a hope in their eyes.
A hope that was fading fast, with disappointment after disappointment.
Mother's Day was just a reminder of that ... Mommy was not a mother

Last year, Mommy's belly was big and swollen, and so were her feet.
A baby was coming, a baby boy.

Little did they know the personality that was coming along with me! :)


notice my pants are IN my hands.
Today Mommy celebrates 2 years (and thousands of dollars) of infertility, 55lbs of weight gain, 28 hours of labor, 2+ months of post-partum depression.
It seems like a lot.
Some days it still FEELS like a LOT.
But it was a small price to pay for my smiling face day in and day out.
I'm ONE happy boy.

Today Mommy celebrates ME. 
I will always be the one that made her a mama.
I will always be the special one, no matter how many come after me.

For never before in story or rhyme, not even once upon a time, has the world ever known a YOU my friend, and it never will, not ever again.

And yes, I was good to my mama today.
I planted a big ol' soggy, open-mouthed kiss on her, with hands on her cheeks and all.
First time too. I saved it for today.

Too bad we don't have the camera for everything. :)

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