Monday, July 11, 2011

birthday week

The next few days are going to be a little chaotic. Well really most days are a little chaotic, but the next will be extra. So here is Eli's happy birthday post.
Happy birthday Eli. Bubby, Stinky face.
Isn't it crazy how the days just fly by, and boom, your baby is one year old? Well he won't be until Thursday, but wow. wow.
How many years did I long for a baby? And then I was finally pregnant and then he was born and he was cute and cuddly and little and squeaky and squirmy. He smelled like a baby and had little baby toes and his cry was that itty bitty baby cry.
Every night, we go to bed, and every morning we wake up, and he looks the same as when I put him in that crib the night before. So how is that he went from this to this so quickly.
Holy wow. I really do try to take it all in on a daily basis, because I know how fast it truly goes. This time, watching your kids grow and being a family, this time is the best time of your life. Or at least I know it will be mine. It's wonderful and magical and all I hoped it would be. Maybe I would feel this way no matter what, but I think just maybe I appreciate it just a little more than the next person because I had to WANT it for so long. ?
It has been a fantastic year. We had a few hard months, we've had a few hard moments since then. But who doesn't, right?
I love that baby boy more than I ever imagined I could. 
Right now he lays upstairs sleeping soundly in his bed, even though it's storming. He's asleep until morning, about 9 or 10am. He eats what we feed him, he goes to bed when we tell him to, he plays happily with us and/or himself. We are lucky lucky lucky. So lucky. He truly is the best baby. And I'm not prejudiced. At all.  ;)

I wish I could freeze this time. Everything he does right now is so much fun. The walking, and the pointing, and the words that he tells us, that no one understands. His mischevious grin and chubby thighs and white hair and farmers tan that he's sporting so cutely.  I think I do love him more than life itself. But he is LIFE for us right now.

Happy 1 year birthday Eli. It's been an amazing year.

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