Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm down with OCD

We have moved my toys to my bedroom. Thanks for the great toy box anna jack... it has come in handy! 
These toys are making mommy a mad woman. Her OCD is in full effect. :)
I helped her and we put all the corresponding pieces and parts with the toys they match. 
hahahaha mommy...
A for effort but I will destroy your effort in 10 seconds flat. 
Just wait til they get a partner in crime for me... mommy might have to get medicine for her OCD.

It's Wednesday and it's sunny and Mommy & Daddy are home with me. 
Have a good day!

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome mr. eli :) happy to hear you're getting some use of the toy box. Maybe if there are toys filling it up there won't be any room left and you won't get the idea to put Bonz in there! Hopefully see you soon ... in the mean time, grow that hair out some :) ha!


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