Monday, July 4, 2011

so it's Independence Day

... and that works out great for me - cuz I'm feeling pretty independent myself.
I like walking, and not while holding your hand.
I will do it myself thankyouverymuch.


Summertime is fun. I love it! Sign me up for this year round! 
holy waterfall - I LOVE this!
nugget is my pool buddy. we both love licking the water.

Being outside is my favorite.
Unless it's outside AND in water, than THAT is my favorite! 

Mommy and I went to Mogadore to visit for a few days.
(Daddy had to work, AND get some work done around this place ... he claims I make it hard to get things done! ?)

We did lots of fun things, like swimmin and swingin and stroller rides and ice cream cones, and just hanging out.

naked baby butt-- and I have a farmers tan
this is me - gawking at some innocent people at the ice cream stand. i do having a staring problem.

Gracie and I got to spend some time together --
I'm still trying to win her over. 
(so far all I have done is pull her hair and steal her snacks!)
wait, you have a cookie? why didn't you say so Grace?
can i have a little bite? Please?
no no no ... a little bite for ME, not YOU.
thanks! mmmm that's a pretty good cookie!
mommy just loves loves loves my chubby feet
We look awful cute in our patriotic get-ups, don't we?
So cute that we had to go and get messy...
see how nicely Gracie's weight is distributed? I need to do some crunches. and the thigh-master.
blue sand is SO much fun!
What a mess! 
Even clean kids like Gracie need a little mess every once in awhile!
 I think Gracie likes me now -- 
she even asked me to sit on her towel before we went home !!!! :)

I got to see Indie this weekend too. 
We are 1 month apart -- and not too interested in each other just yet.
The only time we interacted was when we shared our cheerios.
You never know, she may be my girlfriend one day!

Mommy and anna Jack went to a country music concert on Saturday.
They left me at home with Grandma Candi because it was adult fun they said.
I tried on the hat anyway!!

I had a fun time with my Grandma and Grandpa Windon while Mommy was gone. I even got to play with Nugget a little!

so 10 days til I turn one.
I get better at my walking every day.
So much braver and I can even turn and go different directions without wiping out now!
Also some not so great news -- teething, in the worst kind of way. 
And it looks as though 3 of the 4 are here all at once!
Orajel is my friend. Orajel and Motrin.
So far so good - I'm taking it like a champ!

I have added "ball" and "teeth"  and "yuck" to my list of words, and I am pretty fluent in quacking like a duck. I also give hugs now (if you are very very lucky) and blow bubbles (in the tub) on command.
Mommy says "ARMS UP"! --  when she undresses me, and I put my arms up to help her undress me.
(Don't you sometimes wish you were little like me and you didn't even have to dress yourself!)
Mommy says she is amazed every day by the things I understand.
I'm taking it in like a little sponge ... pretty soon Mommy is gonna have to stop listening to some of those songs with bad words in them. :)

One more thing...
IF you still had any doubt if I look like my uncle Markie, here he is at one year old...
uncanny, isn't it?

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