Wednesday, October 24, 2012

big heads (are cuuuute!)

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4 month stats: 
15 lb 9 oz 60th percentile
25 inches 50th percentile
17 1/2 inches 97th percentile

That big ol' brain of his is gonna make him topple over.

 and someone has definitely decided to make their presence known around here.

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Oh, and rice cereal? Not recommended for babies ANY more.

Arsenic Found in Rice at High Levels

Sept. 19, 2012 -- Arsenic is found in a wide variety of rice and rice products, sometimes at levels that are higher than safe limits set for drinking water, new tests confirm.
Separate test results were released on Wednesday by Consumer Reports, the FDA, and by Lisa Madigan, the attorney general for the state of Illinois. Madigan has been testing rice products as part of a state investigation into arsenic in food.
Based on its tests of 60 products, Consumer Reports says kids and adults should watch how much rice they eat from various sources (like rice milk and rice cereal) to lower their exposure to arsenic, which has been linked to cancer, heart disease, and poor brain function in young children.
“First and foremost, I want to warn parents that every rice cereal product we tested contained arsenic. These results are shocking because rice cereal is often a baby’s first solid food,” Madigan says. “Parents and caregivers should moderate the amount of rice products they feed their children.”
The FDA’s tests of 200 different rice products show levels of harmful inorganic arsenic that are in line with tests performed by Consumer Reports. The magazine analyzed rice products including infant cereals, regular boxed cereals, rice cakes, rice milk, and brown and white rice. Both organic and nonorganic rice products were found to have arsenic. 
Eating one serving of rice at the highest levels found in the studies could expose a person to more arsenic than the EPA allows in drinking water.
Based on their findings, Consumer Reports and Madigan have called on the FDA to set limits on arsenic in rice and rice products.
The agency says the issue needs more study. They are continuing to check rice products, with a goal of testing 1,200 by the end of this year. For the time being, regulators say there’s not enough evidence to tell people to limit rice in their diets.
“Our advice right now is that consumers should continue to eat a balanced diet that includes a wide variety of grains -- not only for good nutrition but also to minimize any potential consequences from consuming any one particular food,” says FDA Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg, MD.

kinda scary huh? 

My pediatrician said to stick with oatmeal to reduce the risk of arsenic exposure AFTER I fed Sam his first feeding of RICE CEREAL! That's ok, he didn't get much in his mouth anyway.

Eli had a flu shot (we opted out of the flumist, since he would be required to cooperate to inhale the mist.) and he didn't even cry. Such a big boy, my little Eli. Just a little whimper and a "mommy hold you."

Tonight he was helping me pack him for the weekend at mimi's. He picked off every hanger from his closet and said (or exclaimed!!)  "Dis is cuuuute!! " "take dis one mimi's house?"
I love talking toddlers. Love them!
(after I got off the phone with Lesley the other day, Eli was walking around saying OH MY GOSH, over and over and over. I guess I must have said that phrase? )

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Tonight Eli asked mike for soup for dinner. (this means Mrs. Grass's noodle soup, heavy on the noodle part.) Mike doesn't know this somehow (even though he is with the boys more than me it seems.) Eli got a bowl of cream of mushroom soup. Uh, needless to say, Eli did NOT eat that (and neither would I, and mike said neither would he.)
so .... daddy... eli likes noodle soup. (this week.)

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