Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor-less Labor Day

Three days in a row off of work -- just what I needed. It was enough time to cook dinner (TWICE!!), wash sheets, catch up on laundry, take Eli to the pool, have a cookout, spend some ALONE time shopping, AND some time left over to relax. 

Saturday I took Eli to the groveport pool, and he had a blast. He keeps telling me that he had fun, and he wants to go there again. He must have jumped off the edge of the pool 100 times. By the end, I wasn't allowed to catch him, and he went under and came up every time himself. 
My arms are still sore from lifting him out every time. 
The potty training hasn't gone any further since yesterday. I told him Sammy is gonna go pee on the potty before he does. His answer? Sammy can pee on the potty first and get that blue truck. Then I'll play with it. Very logical. He continues to outsmart me. 

We had a cookout yesterday and some whits in Granville 

Today daddy is at work and  we have stuck around the house all day. We had an afternoon storm 
so the boys played in the puddles at Eli's request. 
Now we are having a gabba marathon 
with blankets and LOTS of pillows. 
(Sammy's new favorite face!)
Eli has asked me no less than 100 questions per hour today. He said to me ... Mom can you hear me talkin'? 
Apparently I wasn't answering as quickly as he wanted. 
It's daddy's turn at home tomorrow and back to work for me. 
This week is our 9th wedding anniversary. I look at this ...
and can't even believe it is us. So young and no idea what was in store for us. 
They were just a "twinkle in our eyes. ":)

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