Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 26

Eli is in a full size bed!! Or I should rephrase that and say Eli and his 1000 stuffed animals are in a full size bed. 
After we made his bed and moved his furniture all around, the boys went to the basement to play. There I stood staring at his new room, and it really is so hard to believe. The days seem to last forever but the years fly by. I sat in his room every day WAITING for July 25, 2010 to arrive, and thought it would never ever come. I couldn't wait til he was born and somehow it happened already and now he's 3 and 1/2. One day these boys are gonna grow up and find wives and leave me and I might not be able to handle that!!
Night #1 went great in the big boy bed. He didn't fall out, he didn't get scared. He slept 12 hours, spread out with all his buddies -- caw, doggy bear, paas, bunny, corduroy, lamb ("wam"), giraffe, baby giraffe, tiny giraffe, etc. etc. 
So far Sammy isn't allowed up in his bed, but neither is anyone else. 
The john deere pillows have to be turned to the side with the combine and he wants his little nana (blanket) up by his face. Other than that, nothing specific. 
I have no idea where he gets that. 

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