Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6

Eli is officially at that stage where "kids say the darndest things. "
I could go on and on. 
Like this ... Where he saw me painting my toes, he says mommy what are you doing in the world?!
HE loves that the special people in his lives have "other" names. Like mike and Erin. He is calling lil papa jeffy 
and asked if big papas name is jeffy too. 
He sits quietly for all of 1 minute per day, if we are lucky. So much energy it is unbelievable. 
At night when he goes to bed he sits up there and dreams up reasons why we need to come back. Mommy???? Is your kiss still on? Mommy???? I don't want these bears in my room anymore. Mommy??? Are you on the brown couch?? Mommy??? I need covered up. Mommy????? Daddy????
Eli and mike went to the monster truck rally Saturday afternoon. 
Eli loved it and mike seemed to have loved it just as much.
Keep warm out there. It's 30 below today they say. Get your pets and kids inside. And Cheri ... Eli is worried that pooh bear is out there in the cold. He can sleep in his bed he says. 
Oh and Sammy...
Sammy has added dude, Eli ("E-yi"), and papa to his very small vocabulary. 
He gave up bottles and added a pacifier. 
Now he will be addicted to having TWO at bedtime. One to suck on and one to rub in his head. 

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