Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 15

I would say (with my fingers crossed) that Eli is totally potty trained when it comes to #1. Which is a miracle in and of itself when you consider where we were just a month ago. 
He stands up now and even goes at public places!!! Yay!!! 

We have been bribing him with trucks when it comes to #2. It has been not so successful until yesterday. Maybe we found the right truck? Maybe he is just finally catching on? But we have had 2 days of ZERO accidents!!!! 

Super proud of this guy. He is super proud of himself. 

In other non-important news ... It's still winter. We play inside ALLLL the time. 
(Eli is learning his geography. I am reviewing my geography. next is a globe. )
(Facetime with ginger and Mimi). 
Mike was super dad this week. He took these 2 to cosi alone ... with no prior public potty experiences. It could have been a disaster. 

I was sure it would be. 

But... It went very well. No accidents!! 
Eli is the cutest until he says things like "mommy I'm done with you. Ok? Whatever. "
He loves to tease ... He tells me "mommy I pooped in the bath tub." When I come running to find NO poop he says ... "But I threw it in Sammy's room and it rolled down the stairs."
Funny guy that Eli. 
Sammy is jibber jabbing all the time. He will say "love you" and "more" and "down" and "all gone" and "please" and "mine". All the important words to get his point across. He came to visit me at work and he said "HIIIII!!!!!" no less than 50 times. 

Today we bought a kite. 
Yes, a kite.
Because this snow will stop soon. Then it will melt and then it will be SPRING!!! SPRING. SPRING. Remember life before snow?  Uh?
I know. It's hard to remember.

Happy Valentine's Day from my little valentines. 
I have THREE valentines. Who is THAT LUCKY?! 

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