Tuesday, December 7, 2010

4 1/2 months old and changing EVERy day!

It only took me 5 months to finally start this blog.
It was something I wanted to do during pregnancy, then something I was DEFinately going to do once Eli was born ... and here it is December and I still haven't done it! I enjoy photos (especially Eli photos!) and scrapbooking/journaling too much to not blog too! 

So a typical day in the life of Eli is . . .
I wake up at 8 or 830 with a smiley happy face
  have a bottle and play a little
When I get tired of playing, I take a little nap.

Then its time for lunch -- cereal and bananas, cereal and sweet potatoes (that's my fav!) or maybe even squash!

After lunch I usually play for awhile and have a long nap, or run errands with mommy and catch some zz's in my carseat. If we are lucky, the weater is nice and I can ride in the jogging stroller, although sadly I think those days are gone til spring

In the evening, I usually play with mommy or daddy, or BOTH if I am really lucky

Bathtime is my favorite, since I LOVE being naked and I LOVE water!

After bathtime is storytime and bedtime bottle. 
I usually get bored with stories - 
as you can see here

I am a great sleeper and usually sleep atleast 12 hours!
Here is my room. . .

Here are some of my favorite photos from the last few weeks

      I went christmas shopping with the girls... what a trooper I was!
I LOVE the christmas tree!

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