Saturday, February 25, 2012

life in color

i breath like a fat person when i am pregnant.
add some major congestion to that, and i feel like i am burning calories just trying to breath.
is it too soon to say i am done being pregnant?

eli and i spent the day at home, sharing our germs and blowing our noses.
well, i blew my nose.
i'm not quite sure what he thinks he's doing, but it's not blowing his nose.
it's more like holding the kleenex up to his nose and inhaling and exhaling really fast.
he's starting a stage of wanting to do everything himself.
most of the things he wants to do himself he cannot do.
like blowing his nose.
and putting his socks on.
and the boy has a temper and is very quick to lose it.

playing in the sink on the stool still has not lost its luster.
today, little boy put the remote in the water when i wasn't looking.
i found it a half hour later.
(still waiting for it to dry and start working.)
someone is starting to look a little skinny, isn't he??!
he's showing me his teeth, which he says are blue.
i like my babies fat...
and wish he would EAT more!
but i guess he will eat when he's hungry.
Right now, his diet consists of the same 5 things.
cereal, oatmeal, mac and cheese, fruit, cottage cheese.
rotate. repeat.

i went through a bunch of former-fat-boy's clothes today to get them ready for Sam.
i think he wore his 3-6 month sizes for a month, max.
baby Sam is inheriting a pretty awesome (and just like new) wardrobe.
it really would be a shame not to reuse this stuff.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
and i HAVE to share this little saying i saw...
which may or may not be the motto of eli's life so far :)

wouldn't it be terrible?
wouldn't it be sad?
if just one single color
was the color that we had?
if everything was purple?
or red?
or blue?
or green?
if yellow, pink, or orange
was all that could be seen?
Can you just imagine
how dull the world would be
If just one single color
was all we got to see?

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