Sunday, September 23, 2012

a day later...

yeah, so my babies just got a little older today.
Eli was in his crib this morning jabbering to himself as I was feeding Sam. 
I heard a thump, a little cry, and then footsteps.
I opened his door, and there he was, looking up at me.
He said, "what happened? I got out."
He also has a bruised cheek to show for it.
080745AE-1DED-44DB-9191-B715882D9F05-9900-0000096E719EF8CE_zps3514bc6a, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
i wish i had those eye lashes
He showed me how he got out, but couldn't quite communicate what he hit his face on.
So big boy bed it is.
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(doesn't he look skinny? Like a little boy, not a chubby baby?)
watching "go gabba GABBA"
more encapsulated toys. WE love them!
Then little Sammy decided he was big enough to roll over.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
I'm not quite sure if he intentionally rolled, or if gravity pulled his head to one side, and his whole body just flopped with it.
But he did it a few times today.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
concentrating really hard on his flashing insects.
We slept last night and I think (I think) we are back to feeling healthy again. I think.
Fingers crossed.

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