You are 14lb 1 oz at the doctors this week. Your head is NOT too big, according to the doctor, but you certainly do have a large bald head -- it must be your super big brain in there. You are a sick little boy right now, you poor little thing. We are slipping you Tylenol and amoxicillin everytime you turn around. Your usual easy going personality has turned into lots of fussiness and the need to be held and bounced a LOT. -- especially in the wee hours of the night. You are getting good at holding your head up and looking around. You love to ride around in the baby bjorn and check out your surroundings. You are a nosy little guy just like your brother was. Bath time is a favorite, and Eli loves to watch u kick away.
Mr. Eli --
You are 26 months old. You are changing so much in the past few months. You are so smart and observant and quirky -- I love you more than life itself. :) when I am having a bad day, you somehow say the cutest random thing, and it makes everything better. Today you counted my fingers, which u always do but never go past 3. Tonight you said 1,2,3,2,5,6,7,8 !!! So close! You know all your letters (capitals only) and numbers except z is tricky and 6 and 9 are the same. You also say E for Eli and s for Sammy, and E-L-I spells Eli. You probably have no idea what it means but you will repeat anything. (except i love you. You will not will not say I love you no matter how much I nag. ) You are using little words now to complete your sentences - like Look at that mommy - instead of "look that. "
You also started using I instead of referring to yourself as Eli all the time. You don't eat ANYthing other than Mac and cheese, yogurt, peanut butter, cereal and grilled cheese. Sometimes you refuse those too. Oh -and cookies and chocolate. You LOVE those.
It's so crazy how much my life revolves around you both and how important it is to me to know (and remember) these minor little milestones. It's so cliche, I know, but what did I do with my life before you?
But there is time for that later ...
when you two grow up and move away.
We won't be sad... We'll be glad... For all the life we've had.
And we'll remember when.
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and i thought MY must-read pile was getting big |
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homeboy eli thinks the leaves are treasures |
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look at dese weaves!! |
extra long video
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