I am having a rough time being back to work.
I hate hate hate
missing my boys all day and not being there for the little every day monotony.
missing my boys all day and not being there for the little every day monotony.
This week I only have off today and saturday... so I'm trying to make the most of my time.
(don't worry, Eli is making up for it now.)
Sam amazes us every day, he seems too good to be true.
He is always so happy...

and laid back.
He will sit in his bouncy seat for as long as you leave him there...
smiling up at the toys and flashing lights.
I hate to admit it out loud for fear that it will stop.
But Dr. Pfau says that at 2 months, the disposition he has now is usually the disposition he will always have.
He's easy enough to make me (almost) consider trying for a girl.
and thanks to another great app on my iphone (project 365)...
just incase i forget to take a picture every day
(but how could i do that?)
my phone will remind me.
So now I have a picture a day to watch sammy grow.

Now Eli on the other hand...
he is still giving us a run for our money.
We literally cannot take our eyes off him for a minute.

He. never. stops.
He colors on walls

or uses his crayons as weapons, musical instruments, or utensils.
He very rarely COLORS with his crayons.
He likes to watch me color and he will occasionally scribble something violently and then move on.
And as I sit with my legs asleep at his fisher price table

Eli finds it more fun to intentionally fall off his seat.
He hops from one thing to the next like a child with ADHD.
kitchen utensils.
my nail polish.
He is jealous.
If I'm feeding Sam, he needs to be on my lap too.

He plays musical chairs at every meal.
Eli sit this chair?
Eli sit this chair?
If given a moment to become bored, Eli's brain goes to Sammy.
Where's Sammy?
Hold Sammy?
Pway wif Sammy?

He pretends to be kissing Sam, or covering him nicely with a blanket.
If /when you are around my children... that is the time to start running to save Sam.
In a matter of seconds, Eli will hit, smack, pinch, twist, kick, elbow, lay on... whatever part of Sam he can reach.
This week ... we are putting him in the corner when he does it.
He. hates. it.
he actually stays in the corner.
and poor little Sammy.
he's already looking up to his big brother even though he is beating the crap out of him.

So needless to say, 95% of our parenting energy is going towards Eli right now.
He has lots of energy and lots MORE energy if you don't take him outside to burn some of it off.
watching tv?
not really his thing.
Mommy? Go outside? Eli go outside? Outside? Eli go outside? OK.
Tonight we threw rocks in the pond for an hour or so,
colored (see above),
and built a tent.

The tent was a big hit as always.
I only had to put him in the corner once (for trying to pick up Sam by his feet) and its effects lasted the rest of the evening.
He behaved.
We skyped with mimi before bed
(mimi AND ginger)

Ginger actually looks at the camera and listens when you talk.
Today was a good day.
Soon I hope to figure out how to balance out my life.
Work is good, I'm happy to use my brain for real things and feel that challenge.
And I love working with my friends.

and laid back.
He will sit in his bouncy seat for as long as you leave him there...
smiling up at the toys and flashing lights.
I hate to admit it out loud for fear that it will stop.
But Dr. Pfau says that at 2 months, the disposition he has now is usually the disposition he will always have.
He's easy enough to make me (almost) consider trying for a girl.
and thanks to another great app on my iphone (project 365)...
just incase i forget to take a picture every day
(but how could i do that?)
my phone will remind me.
So now I have a picture a day to watch sammy grow.

Now Eli on the other hand...
he is still giving us a run for our money.
We literally cannot take our eyes off him for a minute.

He. never. stops.
He colors on walls

or uses his crayons as weapons, musical instruments, or utensils.
He very rarely COLORS with his crayons.
He likes to watch me color and he will occasionally scribble something violently and then move on.
And as I sit with my legs asleep at his fisher price table

Eli finds it more fun to intentionally fall off his seat.
He hops from one thing to the next like a child with ADHD.
kitchen utensils.
my nail polish.
He is jealous.
If I'm feeding Sam, he needs to be on my lap too.

He plays musical chairs at every meal.
Eli sit this chair?
Eli sit this chair?
If given a moment to become bored, Eli's brain goes to Sammy.
Where's Sammy?
Hold Sammy?
Pway wif Sammy?

He pretends to be kissing Sam, or covering him nicely with a blanket.
If /when you are around my children... that is the time to start running to save Sam.
In a matter of seconds, Eli will hit, smack, pinch, twist, kick, elbow, lay on... whatever part of Sam he can reach.
This week ... we are putting him in the corner when he does it.
He. hates. it.
he actually stays in the corner.
and poor little Sammy.
he's already looking up to his big brother even though he is beating the crap out of him.

So needless to say, 95% of our parenting energy is going towards Eli right now.
He has lots of energy and lots MORE energy if you don't take him outside to burn some of it off.
watching tv?
not really his thing.
Mommy? Go outside? Eli go outside? Outside? Eli go outside? OK.
Tonight we threw rocks in the pond for an hour or so,
colored (see above),
and built a tent.

The tent was a big hit as always.
I only had to put him in the corner once (for trying to pick up Sam by his feet) and its effects lasted the rest of the evening.
He behaved.
We skyped with mimi before bed
(mimi AND ginger)

Ginger actually looks at the camera and listens when you talk.
Today was a good day.
Soon I hope to figure out how to balance out my life.
Work is good, I'm happy to use my brain for real things and feel that challenge.
And I love working with my friends.

Juggle this with my husband (our 8 year wedding anniversary is tomorrow by the way!!),
my need to lose weight and find time to work out ...
there's not much time left... for things like... i don't know - a blog?
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