Saturday, October 20, 2012

4 months

Today I had time. A day off. Nothing to do. ALL day. 
I washed laundry AND put it away. 
I noticed Sam had lots of sleeveless shirts and shorts hanging in his closet. 
And he doesn't fit into 3 month sizes anymore.
So I put them away. 
away :(
for no more babies.
Then I realized we have been looking at his swing for 4 months and he hates it.
So I got out his jumperoo and put the swing away. 
for no more babies.

But baby LOVES his jumperoo. 
8D388CC4-5715-4E49-A032-1EE5C2630128-2034-000001A0BB5F16BC, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
Eli LOVES Sam in his jumparoo even more.
1801CBAE-F681-4E5A-B7AD-F359F3DF2D29-2034-000001A0B2F1CB55, Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

I took down his pack and play because he NEVER sleeps in it and it is just a spot in our bedroom where we stack things.

I remember a week in June when Mike put that pack and play up, and my very pregnant self laid on my side in bed having a mini anxiety attack while watching.
How were we fitting a little BABY into our lives?

And here it is ... he's 4 months old Monday, and it's done. We did it. He's in. He fits in. And the pack and play is down. 
No more newborn. 

I don't know if I can be done.
I just don't know.


He got so big so fast. 
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
 Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

But that's something to decide much much much later.

Eli and I played outside today in the leaves. 
He wanted to look for caterpillars but had no luck.
He told me about 85 times that his shirt was john deere green. 
And that his tractor was a john deere tractor.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
He also told me - see that orange sign?
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
that means go slow.
The boy's a genius, really.

The things that come out of his mouth.
I poured his milk today and he said PINK milk?
Nooooo, just at mimi's house.

He is now asking Sam if he wants to be picked up.
by him. ELI.
He says "sammy you wan outta there. ok i gotchu."
(as he's reaching out his arms, and I come running...)
 He asked again tonight if Sammy wanted out of the tub.
He said Sammy, Eli pick you up.

Tonight I was carrying him up to bed and he said night night Eli's john deere tractor.

For real, I couldn't make this up.
He is oozing with cuteness. .

I love my boys.

Sam is 4 months old.
That is the age that Eli was when I came out of my post partum funk.
I remember during all that time -- my goal in my head was to be able to feed Eli all his bottles for one day, and not to have to pass him off to someone else.
It took me 4 months to reach that goal.
4 months to bond with Eli.
 Today, as I was feeding Sam his bedtime bottle, I was remembering feeling like I would never get there.
And now, here we are, a whole other child later. :)
Here we are...healthy and happy and feeling very sentimental. 4 months is a milestone for me.

4 months means CEREAL!!!
Get ready Samuel! 

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