Thursday, October 18, 2012

boys of fall

Is there a place in this world where it stays fall-like all year round? 
yes, i STOP running to take pictures of my run
If so, we are moving there. I don't want just the temperatures, but the fall scenery too. 
i can't help it.

fall is amazing.
[today i HAD to run because - today - someone asked me when my baby was due.]
I'm not one to really talk about the weather, unless it's to complain about it. But... this fall... has been amazing. 
The only thing about fall in Ohio is that you are afraid to love it too much, because winter follows so closely behind. 
speaking of...
Eli and I have been discussing Santa a lot this week. I always thought it was awful to straight up lie to your kids about a fat man coming down your chimney. But it's pretty amazing how the lies just come spewing out my mouth so easily. It really is almost like I believe it myself. Anyway, Eli has told us at least 50 times this week that Santa is bringing him a green Christmas tree and a purple tractor with purple lights and BIG purple wheels. (he's bringing back the original favs -- tractor and purple - united). So where oh where does this mama find a purple tractor. I really wish the elves made stuff in a workshop and could make that wish come true.
Santa just might come visit Eli too, IF he keeps up the good improved behavior.
He likes his brother now. I think.

this is sam's classic bathtub face while splashing -- half loving it, half afraid of it

Sam just has smile after gummy smile for Eli.
(which is good that he has no memory of Eli wacking him in the head and such.)
Eli wants to know where Sam is as soon as he wakes up.
He tells us Sammy's tryin to sleep if we are being too loud.
And his most favorite thing is for Sam to be in the baby bjorn and I pretend that Sam is "getting him" and tickling him.
Maybe the two of them will be friends one day after all. :) I am seeing a light at the end of a very long tunnel.
Or maybe I just heard a rumor that there isn't even an end to this tunnel and the two boys will fight and bicker and pick on each other their whole lives?
I'm not buying that one.

wau-wau had the boys all day yesterday...and she claims they were both "angels."
She probably isn't telling the whole truth, but whatever happens while I'm at work -- it's probably better that I just don't know.

Eli has that ornery look in his eye in all of wau-wau's pictures.
Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App
But he's always ornery. 
i got him a jean jacket like gracie's and he won't take it off.
Except when he's entrigued.
see below.

enjoy the fall weather... the snow will be here before you know it.
(see there's my negativity)

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