We wanted babies for a very long time before we got Eli. I remember hearing moms yell at their kids at the store and thinking, if I ever get to have a baby, I will NEVER yell at him. Even last year, I remember having that thought. How could I ever YELL at my perfect little miracle babies. ?
Fast forward to present day and oh my holy. Was I ever wrong?! Eli. Is. Two.
Today was a rough one. Not yelling was not an option. It turns out, Mr. Eli, that the infertility card only gets you so far in life. There was a lot of temper tantrums - with all the best ingredients - laying on the floor with fake crying and kicking and screaming. Then there was some major picking on Sammy - I guess "Sammy don't like sharing" according to Eli. We are still dealing with him resisting nap time and bedtime. Add all that on top of Sam who is forever teething but never getting teeth (Considering taking him in to have his ears checked just incase it's NOT teeth. ) and today was just an adventure.
Everytime I voice my frustration to mike -- he says- still want another one? Ha
We played outside today (best snowman snow out there right now!) and did the same puzzle 10 times and spent the whole day together with all 4 of us. So it wasn't all bad. But gosh, I still gotta say -- two kids is tough!!! Definitely fun and rewarding but challenging and hectic!!!.
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