Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4

I've been wanting to take the boys to COSI for awhile now, and today we finally made it there. We spent 4 1/2 hours in the kidspace there ... And I'm pretty sure the boys would have stayed 4 and 1/2 more. I swear it was built with OUR boys in mind ... Everything there was everything they love ... Water table, pretend farm, grocery store, construction site, climbing wall. They were in their glory!!!

We will definitely be spending a lot of time there over the winter. 
I had two happy boys for the whole morning and afternoon... No whining, no crying, no pushing or shoving, no hitting ,,, two boys who were friends and shared and had a blast! 
Eli had his excited face on most of the day. (The one with his fist next to his mouth!)  
Yep, I think today was my most favorite day so far with these two little boys. 
We came home and Sam napped. Eli and I made a gingerbread house.
(I made the gingerbread house. Eli was the taste tester.) we watched cartoons and gabba and dora christmas (where swiper can't swipe on christmas ! --- ELI!!) 

Eli and Sammy ... I didn't know if you knew so I'm taking this chance to say, that I had the best day with you today. 🎶
I'm one lucky momma. 

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