Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is your house on fire, Clark?

What a hectic week! Make a bow, wrap a present, frost 10 bajillion cookies!  
Mommy is nuts! I helped her make cookies until we had a 
powdered sugar explosion. I was covered head to toe! :)
We have been singing Christmas carols all week and I think it's so fun!
Mommy and I are working on sign language. So far I can't
remember ANY of the signs! :) Maybe one day! 
I have learned this week how to make my JEEP walker go! I can 
now do a FULL roll, and I can get my legs underneath me on my belly!
I WILL crawl, I WILL crawl! Look out Bonz, Ozzy, & Zoey, 

We got the cutest gift this week

from Katie and Jason Vincent. 
Katie owns her own stationey company.
Here is the link to her business.
Right up mommy's alley! 
Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog--Eli certainly has a way with words! Hope you enjoy your first Christmas!


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