Monday, January 17, 2011

jumping and crawling and teething, oh my!

Some people around here led me to believe that "teething" is a one time thing. "Teething" is something that you get through, and then it's over. Not so, my friends, not so. I am living proof that more teeth come.  My second tooth is almost through, and let me tell you, it has been at LEAST twice as bad as the first. I thought the worst was over, but tomorrow I go to the doctor. And they always jab me in the thighs with needles when I go there. I am NOT looking forward to that.
But not to let all that get the best of me. I am still having fun times. I finally figured out what they mean by "JUMParoo". Until yesterday, I didn't really get it. 
Oh, jumping is so much fun! 
Crawling is not going as planned. I can't seem to get it just yet. 
Mommy says not to get discouraged, I have plenty of time. 
But I DO have places to go, people to see. 
In the mean time, this is fun.
Mommy wants to sign me up for tumbling class. Daddy says no.
I found something else fun about Mommy besides her jewelry. Sometimes, if I'm good, she chews gum and makes me laugh. 
Good times! 
I'll fill you in tomorrow on where I am at on the growth curve. I'll give you a hint 
though . . . Mommy just bought me size 4 diapers. My cousin Gracie (who is 2) wears size 4. hmmph.

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