Wednesday, March 9, 2011

First weekend parent-free!!!

What a fun packed two days I've had so far at the 1st Grandma's house! 
Get this . . . she has a giant cat! 
But her cat barks and wags it's tail (and hits me in the face!). 
They keep calling her doggie, although I don't care much for that name for a cat. 

Doggie has kept me entertained for the past few days, since she lets me touch her and pull her hair (unlike MY cats!) 
(pictures to follow later!)
I visited with my great-grandma and great-grandpa. I don't get to see them very often, so it was special to get to spend some time with them. 
Here is me and my g-grampa Bill!

I'm pretty wiped out, and Mommy and Daddy are leaving bright and early tomorrow
(or actually, it will be dark and early at 5am).
Good night all!
HELLO New York City! 

 Don't miss me too too much Mommy & Daddy!

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