Wednesday, March 16, 2011

my life at 8 months

The world is an amazing place from my little eyes. 
It really is too bad you all can't see it the way I do.

SO much left to be discovered. 
Like what is it like when you actually catch a cat?
Or how do I get this tiny rice puff into my mouth? 
Some things I have figured out. 
Like crawling (or what we call "worming"), and pulling up. 
And really, once I figured it out, there really isn't much else that makes me as happy as standing. 
It really never gets old. 
All my toys are way more fun when I'm standing. 
TV is even better standing. 
Mommy is funnier when I'm standing. 
I'm tough s-h-i-t when I'm standing. 
Well, until I fall. Then I cry like a baby. 
But I still AM a baby, after all.

I have 6 teeth now (with the 7th on the way!) 
we are hoping my front teeth grow CLOSER together.
and weigh about 24 pounds. 
Size 4 diapers and 12-18 month clothes. 
It's no secret that I'm a big boy, but I think I am starting to taper off a little now that I'm on the move.
I babble da-da-da-da all day long, but when prompted to say ma-ma, I just laugh. 

I love Sesame Street, Bible Toons, 
Sports Center and Regis & Kelly.

I'm still an excellent little sleeper, and now I prefer to fall asleep on my own, without anyone crowding my space. Just give me a blanket/stuffed animal and my binky, and I'm all set. 
It broke momma's heart a little when I didn't need rocked anymore, but she got over it.

Does it not just blow your mind that I have learned all this? 
When just 8 short months ago, I looked like THIS??
I couldn't focus my eyeballs on a face if my life depended on it. 
I only woke up to eat and then back to sleep. 
Blows mommy's mind. 
Can we get a pause button on life for just a day or so??
It's going much too fast.

But so much to look forward to ahead. 
I can't wait to go to the zoo for the first time. 
And the ocean, and the beach. . . 
that's coming soon and I hear it's fab. 

There's still a whole world out there I have yet to see. 
I plan to see it ALL. And love it ALL, because that seems to be my personality so far. 
Dream big people, dream BIG.
Love life.

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