Thursday, March 17, 2011

winners wear green


That's right. 
And winners can crawl. 
Not just scooting and inch-worming across the floor, but real-life, get-places, crawling.
Check me out. 
AND I got my 7th tooth sometime in the last 24 hours. 
With minimal fussing.
Also in the news, sweet corn casserole is NOT good. 
Makes me gag and choke and shiver.
French fries ARE good. 

We went to the St. Patty's Day parade today. 
We watched the fire engines (and I didn't even cry! But I'm scared of the blender, figure that one out!)
We took Allison, Max, & Baby Jude with us. 
Jude is small and Max is big. I like them both. 
It was super nice outside today. Mommy and I jogged for an hour and I enjoyed the breeze, napped awhile, then we saw the sun setting. Great day! 
Here are some pictures for fun. 
My super crazy mom, always with the camera. GOSH.


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