Tuesday, June 14, 2011

almost 1

Guess who's 11 months old? 
Yep, you guessed it, me.
But that's not really fair, because this is MY blog.

The tricks I have up my sleeve are endless. 
It's amazing really.
All this time, I knew what mommy and daddy were saying to me.
But I was just waiting until I was SURE until I responded.
You know how a light bulb just goes off sometimes??
I had that "ah-hah" moment.

Just this week, I hold the phone to my ear and say "hi".


I put my arms in my sleeves when mommy dresses me.

I brush my hair when handed my brush.  

I'm just a regular old genius.

I know that trees are outside. and so are birds. 

fans are up. and so are the lights. 
and the kitties, 
you gotta look around for them. and then you chase them. 

and as a side note...
I miss you Gracie. 
we had a fun time together last week didn't we?

Happy 11 months to meeeeee.
Every day brings something new! 

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