Monday, August 22, 2011

she thinks my tractor's sexy...

Once upon a time there was a chunky little boy named Eli.
One day out of the clear blue sky, he decided he LOVED to read books. 
Books all day every day. 
He would pick a book, give it to you, then PLOP in your lap. 
It was very cute. 

Until ONE day, this chunky little boy decided he loved just ONE book in particular. 
A book about tractors. 
Tractor would become his first TWO syllable word! 

Tractor tractor tractor all day long.
This tractor book only has 5 pages. 
Each page has a different color/size tractor. 
(Not a very interesting book!)
Eli and his mommy and daddy had to take the tractor book EVERYwhere they went. 

They even had to buy him a tractor.


Is Eli going to be a farmer when he grows up?
The world will just have to wait to find out. 

Until then...
the tractor book is about to be retired, and tractor book #2 is going to have to be purchased. 
For now, duct tape is holding it all together for chunky little Eli, (and his Grandpa Mark would be proud. )
-The end. -

P.S. If you are the individual who purchased this tractor book for Eli's baby shower --- we thank you (we think?).


Part II of this story involves the fact that Eli does not like to wear pants. 

Not even outside.
But that is a story for another day. 

Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

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