Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12

I was rocking Sammy to sleep tonight, telling him stories about how one day he will be bigger than me, and he will drive a car, and have a girlfriend, a job. He will leave me and go to school!! ...
One hurdle at a time, but gosh, it is going to be hard letting these boys grow up. 
Right now I feel like I can protect them from everything ... Even though I know I truly can't... And the thought of one day they will be out there alone in this world-- at school, with friends, with strangers, it's too much to bare. The world is so scary. Today I took the boys down the street to the neighborhood pond. We were in the wagon and throwing pine cones in the water. 
Here comes 3 older neighbor kids (riding in on a riding lawn mower) who were 12,13? They had bebe guns or pellet guns or some kind of huge guns. I don't know what they were going to shoot but I don't even want MY boys to know there ARE guns. Unrealistic? Maybe. But they are 3 and 1 and I can live in my fantasy world for awhile longer and keep them in a bubble. So we took off out of there and raced back home before they could see guns or get shot by some pellet.  I felt like such a prude and maybe I should have been doing the sign of the cross to myself as I ran away. But I gotta protect those boys. 
As long as they are this sweet and innocent. 

One more day left of my mini vacation. I picked such a good week -- it has been perfect fall weather. We have been to the pumpkin patch 3 times, the apple orchard twice, Dawes twice... We are loving the outdoors. 
The boys have been pretty well behaved this week (and when I say boys I really mean Eli.) Eli has been sharing 
and teaching...
"That's a catepiddar Sam. 
They've been buddies ...
"Come with me Sam!"
My favorite thing they do right now is at meal time. Eli wants Sam to sit RIGHT next to him at the counter. They watch videos on the Ipad together while they eat. And every so often, Eli will give Sammy a bite of what he's eating. They also have this commercial they know and LOVE and recognize it within seconds of when it comes on. This is the face they make ...
Two peas in a pod. 

Love them. 
One more day off - all 4 of us are home tomorrow. :)

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