Saturday, October 8, 2011

bringing in october with a bang

sometimes it really is tough to see the silver lining. 
to have hope that there really is a pot of gold at the end of that rainbow...
(we saw this double rainbow on our drive from columbus to mogadore)
But we have been through this before, and here is the living proof that all your dreams can come true.
you just gotta keep on trying.
this cycle went as well as it could have... a success assuming just one little thing (or maybe 2, or 3?)  
We are hoping the stars aligned and in 2 short LONG weeks we will find out that all our efforts were worth it. 
I missed 2 days of work this week and spent 4 days in Mogadore. 
Eli joined me Monday, Mike on Wednesday. 
This medically assisted baby making gets much trickier when you already have ONE baby.
We have only been able to pull this off thanks to the help of our families and friends at work that have gone out of their way to help us. 
It seems very obvious -- find a doctor in Columbus and life would be much simpler. 
If only there was a doctor in Columbus that can make miracles happen the way dr spirtos does. 
Plus, what would I do without his sense of humor while my legs are in the stirrups. 
This week alone, he pointed out a zit on my nose, asked me why I didn't brush my hair, and called me slumdog a time or two (is that your final answer?).
So now we just sit back and wait. 
It really is crazy that there are people in this world that get pregnant by accident every. single. day.

Eli had a good time while we were up north. 
We visited with grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins lots.




Eli made friends with Nugget and Brutus (or "woof woof" as HE calls them.)
 and Ginger of course, who has been in love with Eli since day one. 
the two of them like to play tug of war together with one of papa's socks.
Uncle Markie
who just got his drivers license - watch out if you are on the road and you see him coming!

We ate jubilee donuts and even let eli have a taste (or two).
he was quite a fan. 
everytime he took a bite, he did what we have named the "jubilee dance".
Jubilee makes everyone happy. 
How could chocolate covered lard NOT make you happy?
wearing anna jack's shoes. and it appears that anna jack was letting him play with a light socket??
you said SIT in the chair and I'm sitting ON the chair -- close.
We visited the pumpkin patch on Wednesday - taking advantage of the beautiful day.
Eli liked throwing the pumpkins
even though he knows he isn't supposed to.
As soon as he tossed them ...
he pointed his finger and scolded himself... no-no-no.
This new trick of his comes in handy for me, because he gives himself away every time he is about to do something bad.


I have vacation coming up and Lesley's wedding! 
This week I am hoping to catch my breath and relax after a week of crazy! 
Our new words of the week -- 

MOON is still the most often used word. 
I tell ya, the boy has a one track mind. 
First it was tractors, now it's the moon.
Maybe an astronomer now instead of a farmer??

Have a good weekend -- enjoy the indian summer. 

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