Sunday, November 13, 2011

Confessions from the first trimester

I'm laying in bed listening and hoping my sweet baby falls back to sleep. He's catching a cold and having a tough time staying asleep. You know that raw scratchy throat with the achy body and runny nose ?.... That's where he's at. 
The "non-sleeping baby" I got covered. Non-sleeping babIES I'm pretty sure I can handle... But definitely non- sleeping babies and a momma with insomnia is not a mix of ice cream and gum drops and things that are cozy. 
When I was pregnant with Eli, my first noticeable symptom was insomnia. But it was manageable. I fell asleep but woke up A LOT more than I was used to to pee or eat or watch man vs food. But this time ... I can't sleep period. I can't fall asleep OR stay asleep. And it making me one cranky panicked young mother with one on the way. 
You see, I am very limited at this point of choices to put in my body to fix me and NOT hurt my baby. But sleep is so very importAnt to MY well-being as a sane well- balanced individual. If I can't sleep because I am up taking care of a sick baby, fine. But when I have my comfy blanket and favorite slippers , sister wives on my DVR ... And I can't doze off ... No matter how hard I will my brain?? Frustration!! Anxety! But I do have a wipper snapper of a little boy to get me through the day and not concentrate on my personal problems I'm facing inside. 
Another baby is what I want ... Even if he/she has decided to reak post partum type symptoms on my brain! I will push through. 
As for mr Eli ... The star of my life ... He's a busy busy boy. So much to do. Climb the stairs a million and one times per day. Look for the moon on average every hour. New love--- throwing poop diapers into the big "traaaaSh" can. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
His tricycle has been in our living room since his first birthday but he just decided to love it!! Boy that kid makes the bike fly across our hardwood.
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
We discovered he passionately loves meatballs .. Although lately he hasn't been eating much else unless it is fruit or in a bottle. (which I'm feeling we need to get rid of the nighttime bottle soon?... He's 16 months! What do u think??)
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos 

Our days of fall our dwindling ... We are making the best of our last few weeks out playing.
He loves it outside and is noticebly happier in the fresh air. Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos 
Hide and seek may be his fav. Or just yelling boooo! Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos 
Im trying to soak up all our moments of Eli ... Just Eli. Before life changes for us all.

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