Monday, December 5, 2011

santa 2011

we are getting ready for Christmas around here -- are you?
Santa came to visit me once already! He was at daddy's firehouse.
I like to talk about Santa, and look at him on TV, and say ho ho ho.
And actually, Santa isn't too bad from a distance. 
I just don't like him up close. 
he makes me nervous.
i guess he knows when your sleeping, and if you've been bad or good. 
uh oh.
but he gave me this really cool truck.
so maybe he's not all that bad.
Plus, I got to see all the big trucks at daddy's fire station.
They even got a run and i got to watch the lights and sirens go. 
Pretty cool.
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Santa is gonna come visit me again on christmas morning. 
This year, he will have to find me at Grandma Barb and Grandpa Mark's house. 
I guess that won't be a problem since Santa knows everything.

Christmas we are ready for. Winter, not so much.
So far this year, we have ALL had colds, mommy had the stomach flu, then daddy had the stomach flu. Then mommy worried about ME having the stomach flu for 3 or 4 days. 
thankfully i never got it. mommy had a bucket and towels ready tho.
vomit is her least favorite thing in the whole wide world.

Today we are headed to the doctor to have my ears checked out.
I've been a little bit not myself the last few days, and mommy is paranoid. 
I can tell you when I want a snack ('cracker'), when i'm thirsty ('milk'), when I pooped ('poop') :)
Mommy wishes I'd tell her why i'm crying when i cry.
maybe next month.

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I'm getting pretty good at feeding myself.
I'm still pretty good at making a huge mess when I do it too.
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but don't try to help me, i can do it mySELF thank you.
that goes for helping me up and down the stairs too. 
i will just shove your hand out of the way and say "move". 

one of my new favorite past times is to point at things, and have you name them to me. 
even if it's just mommy and daddy, i point to mommy, then daddy, then mommy, and repeat... as long as you will play. 

i found the closet where mommy and daddy keep the trash bags.
trash bags are fun to me.
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plus they come in so many fun colors. . . like 
purple is my favorite.
(yes this one is orange, but i can call it purple if i want.)

alrighty folks. i'll keep you posted on my ears.

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